The Palatini approach in gravitation

Orador: Diego Rubiera-Garcia (Universidade de Lisboa)
Data, hora e local: 16 de fevereiro de 2016, às 11h30m na sala de reuniões do Departamento de Matemática.

Resumo: We propose a formulation to modified theories of gravity where metric and affine connections are independent. Besides some interesting mathematical properties (like second-order field equations and absence of ghosts) this formulation has an interesting phenomenology regarding gravitation and cosmology. In particular, we discuss the existence of wormholes, geons and non-singular black hole space-times in some extensions of General Relativity, and the potential phenomenological consequences.

For those that cannot make it, the seminar will be transmitted online and also stored on our youtube channel:

Funded by the Portuguese Government through the FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia under the project UID/MAT/00212/2013


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