What is… a moduli space?

André Oliveira, CMUP & UTAD, Portugal 19 de maio de 2021, às 16h no endereço Zoom: https://videoconf-colibri.zoom.us/j/83030580321?pwd=Z3VLNjc0c3VXUHNqQWtLN1ZPaHY1QT09 ID: 830 3058 0321 | Palavra chave: xyz Resumo/Abstract: Mathematicians like to classify and organize mathematical objects, up to some fixed equivalence relation. Sometimes the objects in question do not admit continuous variations and so the classification is…


Orador: Yang Chen, Departamento de Matemática, Universidade de Macau Título: Smallest Eigenvalue of Large Hankel Matrices at Critical Point: comparing a Conjecture with parallelized computation Data, hora e local: 14 de abril de 2021, às 16h, na plataforma Zoom no endereço https://videoconf-colibri.zoom.us/j/83821706208?pwd=YnE0b1VPc2VmbXdCemxGTnRwcWsyUT09 Resumo/abstract: We propose a novel parallel numerical algorithm for calculating the smallest eigenvalues…